Friday, January 29, 2010

Stop and Smell the Roses

San Gimignano is a very pretty city. It's kind of like Siena only smaller and a lot of towers! There used to be 72 but only 14 - I think - are still standing, five really pronounced ones. Me and a few friends just spent the day on the hillside staring out into the mountains and other distant cities. We found the best pizza place that I've been to thus far, and a couple got some really good wine, made in Tuscany of course. There were signs everywhere for a wine museum, but I swear it just took you in circles, we never found it unfortunately.

Tomorrow, I'm going to an ultra outlet mall that everyone keeps talking about. It's about a half hour bus ride out of Florence..called Barberino Outlet. I CAN'T WAIT! Puma, Prada, Adidas, Guess, Lacoste, Dolce & Gabbana, Calvin Klein, and The End just to name a few stores there. I hear they have pretty good prices, and it's sales month so hopefully I find some good discounts! Trying not to spend too much money though, don't want to get myself in trouble, but I guess I don't have to eat next week ;). Other than that, Sunday and Monday I'll probably find myself in studio since we have a little project due on Tuesday.

I have done a lot of thinking since I've been here... So, I've only been here for 3 weeks and my view on America/Americans has already changed, and I have a feeling it is going to keep changing throughout the semester. I mean I guess I kind of already had some of these thoughts because my family and friends all pretty much think the same way too, but being outside of everything just makes you realize it a whole lot more.

Italians live for family, friends, and good food - all things that really anyone should live for, but doesn't really come across in the states. Almost everyone is so friendly, maybe not always to us foreigners, but I've been watching a lot of people here around Florence and in the other cities I've been to, and everyone is very nice. Laid back is another characteristic of Italians. Just about everything closes during lunchtime, all day Sundays, and for the majority of Mondays. They take their time and enjoy what's around them for a change. Americans are everything. Driving through the closest McDonald's or Wendy's for their lunch, always working past hours of close, working on weekends even. Don't get me wrong..we are far better off with technology and certain things, but can't we just take a chill pill once in a while? Remember that saying "stop and smell the roses"? No one does that anymore. Everyone has to have the latest invention or be the best of the best.

Also, when I was on the bus going from Siena back to Florence, there were a few women on the bus - all separate from each other - that just kept waving goodbye to their family/friend/loved one until we left, probably at least a good 10 minutes. Mind you this is maybe about an hour bus ride that goes back and forth everyday. I feel like, yeah, we get sad when we see family go, but normally when you only get to see that person(s) maybe once or twice a year. Not really when you only have an hour car ride to see them next. They just care about each other so much. Granted, I'm not trying to say that we are all just heartless people, I just don't think we really appreciate it as much as we should. And, not all people do this, like I said before my family and friends, I feel, have the same attitude towards life as me, since they have shaped me into who I am as a person.

I think I just feel bad for the rude people in our country. They really just don't see the world as you are supposed to. There are a lot of beautiful things in the world that no one - especially Americans - really stops to look at or notice. I feel like everyone needs the opportunity to get out and see the rest of the world. No one that I have encountered is bitter and rude, they just enjoy what is there. It's kind of sad to say already, but I already don't want to go back to the states.

Oh, another thing. I hate how they think about us. I went out a couple times my first week I was here, and the clubs cater to Americans because they know we are going to overindulge in alcohol and spend lots of money at the bar. A lot of places lower the cover charge and give you free shots and drinks. Also, apparently every American girl - in the eye of an Italian or other foreigner - is as most people say 'easy'. NOT TRUE! Why do we have to put this bad reputation on the U.S.?! They know we are like this, and we give in to it! I don't understand... people here have one or two glasses of wine or beer or whatever during dinner and that's it. No getting drunk out of your mind - they think that if you are drunk you are sick - they just enjoy the taste. I feel like maybe it has to do with the fact the legal drinking age is 21 and here you can pretty much have it your entire life, I haven't been carded once since I've been here. I don't know, I just don't understand how some people can't just enjoy a glass of wine and a relaxing evening....


  1. Oh, Ambs. This is EXACTLY why I want to go out and see the world. I want to see how other cultures live life. It is scary how much Americans seemed to have lost perspective on what is truly important. People just can't fathom how we are giving up so much to take this trip. "GOOD GOD. WHAT ABOUT YOUR CAREERS?! WHAT ABOUT MONEY?! AHHHHHH!!!!" Ummm, well, first off people, we have saved and saved for this, and it's not like we are irresponsible enough to go into debt. We have made a lot of sacrifices , and lived well below our means for years. Second, we DON'T CARE about our jobs. "What??!!" This trip will give us new perspective, and we can very much end up changing our careers when we get back. I think it's sad how people depend so much on their jobs for their sense of happiness. Because believe it or not, you could lose it easily. Companies used to be very loyal to their employees back in the day. Boys went off to war and their jobs were waiting for them when they came back. Not the case anymore.

    I am glad that you are experiencing a culture that has not lost sight of what is important: family and friends. There is a bible verse I always refer to - Matthew 6:19-21 - "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Your treasures in heaven are the relationships you form with people on earth.

    So, don't lose sight of what the Italians have taught you about what is important in life. Make sure you continue filling your heaven with treasures. :-) I for sure will be one of them!

    I love you! (Sorry to get heavy on you for a sec.)


  2. Haha, thanks Christy for not making me feel as bad for that post. I actually have read that verse before and really liked it. I can't wait for you guys to come here and experience everything first-hand as well. I wish I could travel around the world to see other cultures as well, maybe some day :)
